Chicken & Bacon Gnocchi

So first of all, yes, the blog is back. But this time I have a slightly different idea of what I want to post. I want this to be a place I can write my recipes and perhaps the odd book review too. Feel like adulthood has definitely hit hahah. I probably wont be frequent, especially when things get back to normal (I'm hoping for one or two posts a month). I'm always cooking so tbh I shouldn't have an excuse. So with that said I'm going to dive straight in with a v delish recipe I made the other day and it went down a storm.

My Chicken & Bacon Gnocchi
serves 4

  • 2/3 chicken breasts (diced)
  • 6 rashes of bacon
  • 500g gnocchi
  • 150ml extra thick cream
  • 300ml vegetable/chicken stock
  • salt and pepper
  • basil & parsely
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion
I'll keep it short & sweet...

  1. Cut the 6 bacon rashes into cubes and fry off until at the desired texture and then remove from the pan, ready to use later.
  2. Fry the chopped onion on a light heat until soft. 
  3. Then add the diced chicken to the onions along with two chopped garlic cloves.
  4. In a separate pan cook through the gnocchi, this should only take a few minutes (I've also read in some recipes they add the gnocchi slightly later, into the sauce and let it stew there so either is great).
  5. Once the chicken is cooked through and the gnocchi is soft, drain the water from the gnocchi and combine all ingredients into one pan.
  6. At this point add 200ml/300ml of stock and the extra thick cream and mix thoroughly and let simmer on a low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  7. The other 100ml of stock can be added gradually to reach the required sauce consistency.
  8. Season with herbs.
  9. Salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Serve and enjoy.
Best served with home made garlic bread😋


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