Let Your Hair Down

I've found over the last month especially that I've been getting stressed way more than usual and work myself up over the most minor things. Now, I have a better way to approach these things and sort them without over stressing myself first.

To some people what I get stressed over will be nothing but it doesn't take away the anxious feelings or my mind constantly ticking over. Each to there own as my mam would say. As ive found a way to manage all my little stresses I realised that self care/love is a HUGE part of relaxing and 'de-stressing' and this is just me babbling on about what now works for me.

So first of all I now make time for myself and time for work. Two separate things. Obviously there may be time when im free of any work or the opposite and have to put in extra hours but as long as I till make time for myself its all good. So this means in 'work time' I have no media distractions and just get the work done, one less thing to worry about - finito. And when I make time for myself I don't think about work and have a proper unwind. This is just a new basic rule I set my self for productivity and time management I suppose.

Along side this I make myself lists. Now this may seem stupid but I feel like if I can actually see what I need to do or the steps to completing something it seems more manageable. For example I made a list recently in my half term for all the college work and extra tasks I needed to do. It felt like a lot. But I broke it all up in a list and them delegated tasks to each day. It meant that I crossed a few off each day and by the end of the week I had done them all AND I still had time for myself.

When I 'unwind' this could be anything from watching a film and slobbing out,to a little pamper/bath with a glass of gin,doing any of my fave things (eating) or the gym all with or with out company. I switch mine up, I love to have time to myself, good time for thinking time. Sit in a coffee shop and just people watch for a bit or even better, do it with my mam when I see her. Most recently I've enjoyed going to the gym with my boyfriend which has pool/jacuzzi/sauna facilities. Doing a good session and then just chilling for a bit in the jacuzzi (obvs we get something to eat after - do it right). I find that writing blog posts whether I end up publishing them or not is quite therapeutic as well. Anything that will make me feel good about myself really. I think taking time out for yourself is just such a vital part of keeping a healthy mind.

Finally a good support system. Not everyone or has it but honestly its kept me going. When I feel like I've hit rock bottom or am just done with it all, being able to call my mam and just for her to listen to me rant so I can get it off my chest is so comforting. When she sends me little cards saying 'You've got this' and a cheeky fiver for a costa just helps me keep my chin up. Or, like last week, when I was physically and mentally exhausted and my boyfriend ran me a bath and brought me a little glass of gin. They go down too easy:) These little gestures and the motivation from others is so healthy to hear and have.

Although this was just a little waffle on I hope that 1) it makes sense 2) makes at least makes one person cut themselves some slack 3) it reminds someone to make time for themselves.


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