My Favourite Skincare Range

For me this has to be the best product, be it skincare or makeup I've ever laid my hands on. It was recommended to me by a close friend after trying several different attempts at clearing my skin. I had tried prescribed creams & tablets, other well know acne treatment brands and general cleansing products. I ended up at one point using only Sudocrem or even stripping it back to using nothing. I tried EVERYTHING. This had been on going since I was about 13. My skin naturally started to clear the summer I was 16 and I had come to the end of my course of tablets so I just let it play out. Lasted about 7mths, before the breakout from hell. Now, im not saying I had the worst acne ever but what I am saying is I couldnt see my forehead for blemishes. My forehead chest and back were my main effected areas, everyone used to say "well atleast its hidden" funny that because im not concerned about what everyone else saw and was more concerned about what I could see and how I had stated to feel about myself. Eventually my skin calmed. It wasn't until around my 18th when I decided that I wanted clearrrrrr skin and was sick of feeling crap. So... I believe two things contributed to my clear skin 1) Le Roche Poase 2) The Pill. I had went to the doctors looking for skin treatment again and they recommened a particular contraceptive pill to me and so I thought,why not? Honestly never looked back. My Skin has never been better, I feel 100% better about my self and my appearance and this stuff isn't madly expensive to maintain. I only wish I had took photos of my skin at the time for comparison but that was defo the last thing I would have wanted.

God send x


  1. Loving this blog.... your a natural.... love the skin care section... everyone needs a bit of advice from someone who has tried & tested products.. 😀 Sue Bo


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