
Showing posts from January, 2019

My Favourite Skincare Range

For me this has to be the best product, be it skincare or makeup I've ever laid my hands on. It was recommended to me by a close friend after trying several different attempts at clearing my skin. I had tried prescribed creams & tablets, other well know acne treatment brands and general cleansing products. I ended up at one point using only Sudocrem or even stripping it back to using nothing. I tried EVERYTHING. This had been on going since I was about 13. My skin naturally started to clear the summer I was 16 and I had come to the end of my course of tablets so I just let it play out. Lasted about 7mths, before the breakout from hell. Now, im not saying I had the worst acne ever but what I am saying is I couldnt see my forehead for blemishes. My forehead chest and back were my main effected areas, everyone used to say "well atleast its hidden" funny that because im not concerned about what everyone else saw and was more concerned about what I could see and how I had


Typical post 2/2. The new year chat, what I want from this year and goals I'm setting for myself. 2018 for me was one of the best years. I feel like I really matured, I had a hard start to the year in my second year at college but starting my third and final year in September I fell like I really turned it around, I'm now getting the best out of college and making it worth it. I know I've 100% been more sure of myself, or at least ended the year that way, I always used to worry or question where I stood with people but I've reassured myself not to, that effort is a two way thing and some people are brought in to your life to learn from, not everyone will remain permanent. I also met my boyfriend this year and not to be cringe but he taught me a lot about myself and the main thing being not to worry over tiny petty things and just enjoy myself and where I'm at. He was definitely a major factor in me pushing myself through college because he's a highly motiva